Microbial product and process check of your company
Since 2006, Elsinga Policyplanning and Innovation bv carries out microbial product- en process checks according to our strongly improved method. These checks are carried out under strict quality control as evidenced by our ISO 17020 certificate. Therefore we can support your company to comply to the requirements stated in the new regulation (EC) 1069/2009 (previously 1774/2002). Our company delivers this service already to almost all Dutch organic household waste treatment plants (composting/digestion) and many manure treatment plants (digestion, composting, ultra-filtration, drying, pelletizing).
How we operate:
- We guard the prescribed sampling frequency and make an appointment before our visit.
- A qualified inspector takes samples according to a strict hygienic procedure from material inside the process or from the final product and records additional relevant information.
- Samples are transported at 4°C and delivered the same day at the laboratory.
- The results are evaluated and matched to the requirements stated in the regulation and when necessary, we take immediate follow up action.
- You receive within a week a clear well-organized report including a table with all previous results.